Campaign background

Campaign Objectives

Asda used a grocery-led message to drive incremental sales (online grocery orders, in-store Scan & Go purchases, as well as George orders) from existing and new customers.


Planet V's Solution

Planet V's Data Match solution gave Asda the perfect opportunity to use their first-party customer data to inform the planning, targeting and measurement of their VOD campaign to maximise its effectiveness.


An overall target audience communicating the grocery-led message to existing Asda shoppers and potential highly relevant new customers.

Measuring the impact


ASDA utilised ITV’s Activate measurement solution to analyse uplift in customer actions (in this instance purchase) following ITV Hub ad exposure.

Ad-exposed uplifts are measured alongside a similarly-profiled non-exposed control group.

Data Match Measure Impact


Sales Conversions

40% uplift in conversions from New and Existing customers when exposed to the campaign

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Lookalike Uplift

23% uplift in customer sales for Lookalikes when exposed to the campaign

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Return on Ad Spend

£2.36 incremental return on ad spend per £1 spent across Existing and New Customers


Planet V

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