Ring My Bell

With pressure on budgets and a need to go beyond conventional media tactics, ITV, MGOMD and Ring created ‘Ring My Bell’: a product placement that got the nation on their feet and dashing to the door – to deliver a tenfold return on Ring’s media investment.

Looking for creative ideas that had a real ‘ding-dong’ factor, Ring invited ITV to create a media idea that would bring to life the product's personality in an engaging and exciting way, whilst creating buzz and attention.

Harnessing the feel-good vibes of the iconic 70’s soundtrack, we would bring Ring into Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway with an ad-funded in-show segment called Ring My Bell: a feature that would get our audience racing around the streets.

Kicking off in episode 1, we worked closely with producers to devise a gameplay format that involved Ant & Dec taking over live Ring video doorbell feeds from unsuspecting members of the studio audience.

If the audience member recognised the doorbell as their own, they stood up to shout “Ding Dong! That’s my Doorbell!”, prompting nearby neighbours to sprint to their house for the chance to speak to Ant & Dec through the Ring doorbell camera to win a cash prize.

The segment was an instant audience hit, sparking living room chaos amongst pets and families alike. 

#RingMyBell was soon trending on Twitter and being talked about in the national press, with some fans pleading for it to have its own series!

Having initially planned for it to be a one-off, due to the popular demand and impact, we managed to persuade the client to find enough budget to bring the format back twice more - including a feature in ‘the epic final’. 

With Ring My Bell, we created an unmissable brand moment in a much-loved show, that delighted viewers and drove massive interest for Ring.com at a crucial trading time. This partnership was a great demonstration of frugality and invention. Matt Eyles, Brand and Strategy Lead at Amazon (Ring)

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