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How can advertisers create impactful ads which reflect and represent the disabled community? How can the media industry take responsibility to improve representation on screen? ITV and some of the industry’s accessibility experts discuss how marketers can better represent disability in advertising, reaping plentiful benefits for society, audiences and brands.

Speaker line up:

  • Host and Panel chair: Sophie Morgan, British TV Presenter, Disability Advocate

  • Sharon Lloyd Barnes, Commercial Director and Inclusion Lead - Advertising Association

  • Jon Evans,  Chief Customer Officer, System1

  • Dom Hyams, Head of Strategy, Purple Goat Agency

  • Monique Jarrett, TripleC Co-Founder & Digital and Tech Manager, Dancer and Model 

  • Emily Heath, Global Senior Brand Development Manager, Rexona/Sure


NB: Facebook clip shown by Monique Jarrett, sourced by Youtube, Facebook.

Begin your first steps towards creating more authentic ads, and building a more inclusive workplace.

Since this event went live, we've had enquiries from brands and businesess on where they can go to when taking those first steps to creating more authentic and representative ads, and building a more inclusive workplace. We thought we'd give a bit more detail on Purple Goat Agency's mission in case you want to get in touch.

Purple Goat is the world’s first and only disability-focused, disability-led global marketing agency.
Since forming in April 2020, Purple Goat has seen incredible growth, working with some of the largest brands from across the world including Meta, Virgin Media, Starling Bank and the EU to create incredibly representative, innovative and authentic marketing campaigns that also align with overarching commercial ambitions.
They know that ‘getting disability right’ can feel like a daunting prospect for many brands - so Purple Goat look to take the fear out of marketing to the community. The staff are a diverse team with well over 50% lived experience of disability, ensuring that disabled voices, knowhow and authenticity run through the DNA from the outset.

Within their work, Purple Goat look to crush outdated tropes and stereotypes of disability we all to often see in our media, creating the most progressive campaigns WITH the community, doubling down on authentic storytelling at every turn. They create a safe space for clients, with no wrong answers - ensuring that partners gain confidence, insight and expertise that develop their own practices in the process too.

From award winning social influencer activations and film production through to insights and creative consultancy, Purple Goat look to improve representation of the largest minority in the world, and change how we think about disability in society in the process.

Get in touch with the Purple Goat team now: to begin your mission.

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